Lady Alice has been adopted on Aug. 20, 2024.
Our gorgeous Abyssinian girl had a bit of a rough start. She was in two homes before she came to us. She lost one due to moving and the second because she didn’t get along with other cats. When she arrived she also had profuse diarrhea and vomiting along with two mummified fetuses that were free floating in her abdomen presumably expelled through a tear in the uterus. Her weight was at 5 pounds and sinking to 4. At times she was so sick we thought we would lose her.
Alice has had two ultrasounds, surgery to spay her and remove the fetuses, dental surgery (thank you Dr.’s Lynn Santora and Alexis Pellegrino of nhpah) and countless panels of bloodwork. After all of that she was diagnosed with mild IBD and is on a special diet along with medication and fiber supplementation.
Now doing great and at a healthy 7 pounds, yesterday, Alice went to her forever home where she already has her new family trained to turn on the faucet for her (she LOVES to drink out of the sink!). We will miss her terribly but so happy that this sweet girl went to an amazing home..