It has been known for some time that companion animals, like cats and dogs, can improve our physical and mental health.  Scientists have studied this phenomenon and have come to realize that pet ownership (or even handling of animals) may help the elderly (and the rest of us) live longer and have more enjoyable healthier lives.

According to the American Animal Hospital Association, a study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society in May, 1999, demonstrated that "independently living seniors that have pets tend to have better physical health and mental well being than those that don't.  They're more active, cope better with stress and have better overall health."

Some of the reasons for these health benefits are simple.  Pets need taking care of and that in itself can get the elderly up and moving.  A walk to the pet food store reaps cardiovascular benefits as well as helping to keep the limbs mobile.  The simple act of brushing a cat or dog can significantly lower blood pressure and heart rate.  Moreover, the companionship can ward off loneliness and depression.

By adopting a cat, you too can reap the medical benefits of reducing your blood pressure and lowering your heart rate by relaxing with your new best friend.  If you think that you or someone you know would benefit from cat ownership, the Patricia H. Ladew Foundation, Inc. has a program to adopt out senior cats (8 and older) to senior citizens (65 and older).  Thanks to a generous donation by Jordan Salvit (Co-Founder of KitNipBox), (and subsequent donations from Elise M. Klingensmith and Carole E. Anderson) the reasonable future medical care (as outlined in our contract) will be covered at participating veterinarians. If you have adopted through our Seniors for Seniors program and need to take your pet to a veterinarian, please contact our office at 516-922-2287 or prior to making an appointment.

Many seniors are afraid to adopt a cat, worried of what will become of the cat if something happens to them.  At the Foundation, every cat we take in has a home for life, so if something should happen, the cat can safely return to the sanctuary and will be cared for as he/she was before adoption.  There is nothing like experiencing first-hand, the cuddle of a cat or seeing the contentment of a sleeping cat near you or in your lap!  The Ladew Seniors for Seniors program is all about rediscovering (or continuing) the joys of having a cat in your life.

For further information on Seniors for Seniors, or to make an appointment to visit our facility and speak with one of our staff, please call the Patricia H. Ladew Foundation, Inc. at 516-922-CATS (2287) or email us at

Testimonials from Seniors for Senior clients:

Fran P… Adopted Irina and Kiko... “Kittens are Cute, but SENIORS ARE SENSATIONAL!! As a feline fanatic for over 20 + years, we’ve always adopted elder or senior cats. There is something special about a mature kitty, they are so loving and appreciative once you get them home! They will follow you around, jump up on you, or even just sit next to you and purr with a sound full of gratitude and peace.”

Barbara S… Adopted Missy and Tiler. …”They are both happy and content to have a house to call their own. It swells our hearts with love. We love them and know they love us too. Thank you Ladew Sanctuary for making the Senior for Seniors Program possible..”

Linda H…. Adopted Soca. …”It was hard to decide which senior cat I would adopt, but Soca now called Coco chose me!  It has been wonderful having such a loving cat and adopting her was easy and supportive. Dr. Susan Whittred and the staff are great. Please, if you can, I highly recommend adopting a senior cat. They will love you for it and you will love them too.”

Judy S… Adopted Lillian…  “I can't imagine my life without Lillian. She has filled my heart and home with love. And her purrs are music to my ears. Lillian knows that she is loved and has a safe, caring and permanent home. And it's joyful and fulfilling to have her as my fur baby and companion.”

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